The Model

To Geert Hofstede the Hofstede Model is his model on national cultures, and does not touch upon organizational cultures at all. Thus, in order to avoid confusion Geert Hofstede suggested to Bob to call the model on organizational culture: “Bob’s Model” instead of “The Hofstede Model”

Following the publication in 1982 of “In search of excellence” by Peters and Waterman, Bob Waisfisz was convinced that Geert Hofstede could do a far better job and suggested him to conduct research on organizational cultures following the research Geert had done on national cultures. Geert accepted the challenge and undertook this research with Ohayv, Sanders and Neuijen together with around 15 more research fellows during the eighties of last century. Bob Waisfisz then translated the findings of this research into a hands-on model and designed an entire digital architecture around it.

Below different versions of this model will be presented. Please feel free to print one or more versions of this model to keep next to the book. In that way you don’t need to memorize the model with all its ramifications. This will make it easier to digest (part of) the content of the book.

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

Version 4